Plot ID | 0029 |
Project | VP2022 |
Measurement year | 2022 |
Plot area (ha) | 0.29 |
Tree count | 150 |
Basal area (m2/ha) | 43 |
Top species | PIJE (78%), ABCO (21%), CADE27 (1%) |
Minimum DBH measured (cm) | 25.4 |
Minimum height measured (for trees visible from overhead) (m) | 1.37 |
Minimum height measured (for other trees) (m) | 9.14 |
Data license | CC BY NC SA 4.0 |
Data license details | Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. A summary and the full text of this license are available at: The entity to acknowledge for dataset attribution is Vibrant Planet, PBC |
Contributor/Investigator | Vibrant Planet, PBC |
Project description | Vibrant Planet non-randomly selected survey plots on the Tahoe and Eldorado National Forests, stratified across the following forest types (defined by California wildlife habitat relationship vegetation types) as mapped by the USDA Forest Service Region 5 Monitoring and Remote Sensing Lab Existing Vegetation (EVEG) product: eastside pine, lodgepole pine, montane hardwood-conifer, red fir, subalpine conifer, and Sierra mixed-conifer, with an emphasis on the latter. Each of these forest types was additionally stratified factorially across the EVEG attributes of `cover` and `tree size`. Within each of the resulting categories the field crew first attempted to survey the plots in Tier A, and if not possible, then moved to Tier B within the same vegetation category, and then to Tier C. Plots were selected to be within 1/4 mile of accessible roads and confirmed to have the desired forest cover through inspection of Google Earth imagery. A total of 51 plots were surveyed. |
Contributor plot ID | 3-A-166 |